BOOL WINAPI WritePrivateProfileString( __in LPCTSTR lpAppName, __in LPCTSTR lpKeyName, __in LPCTSTR lpString, __in LPCTSTR lpFileName);MSDN里这样说的:
- lpKeyName
The name of the key to be associated with a string. If the key does not exist in the specified section, it is created. If this parameter is NULL, the entire section, including all entries within the section, is deleted.
就是说如果 lpKeyName为NULL的话,那么就删除 lpAppName 这个域(section)的所有内容。
- lpString
A null-terminated string to be written to the file. If this parameter is NULL, the key pointed to by the lpKeyName parameter is deleted.
这个 lpString如果为NULL的话,那么就删除 lpKeyName这内容。
CString filePath = m_ExeFilePath + g_iniFileName; TCHAR strFileName[512] = {0}; TCHAR strAppNameTemp[MAX_APPNAME] = {0}; //所有AppName的返回值 //所有AppName的总长度 DWORD dwAppNameSize = GetPrivateProfileString(NULL,NULL,NULL,strAppNameTemp,MAX_APPNAME,filePath); if(dwAppNameSize > 0) { TCHAR* pAppName = new TCHAR[dwAppNameSize]; ::memset(pAppName,0,dwAppNameSize*sizeof(TCHAR)); int nAppNameLen=0; //每个AppName的长度 for(DWORD i = 0;i